AutoLISP 【AutoLISP FIRST STEP】Uppercase?Lowercase? Basically, AutoLISP is NOT case-sensitive.You can use whichever you want.However, there are some exceptions.AutoLISP Upp... 2021.05.06 AutoLISP
AutoLISP 【AutoLISP Portfolio】 Zoom an Area of 1/16 All Areas JagaimoThis command is used to zoom a particular area of 1/16, and sequentially to 16/16.SpecificationThis command divid... 2021.03.30 AutoLISPEnglishPortfolio
AutoLISP 【AutoLISP FIRST STEP】Return Values T & nil In AutoLISP, Yes/No is T/nilT: True Yes, Meets the requirements...etc.nil: False, No, Wrong, Does not meet the Requireme... 2021.03.08 AutoLISP
AutoLISP 【AutoLISP Portfolio】 Zoom an Area of 1/16 JagaimoThis command is used to zoom a particular area.SpecificationThis command divides a specific area into 16 rectangl... 2021.03.01 AutoLISPEnglishPortfolio
AutoLISP 【AutoLISP FIRST STEP】What is a Return Value? JagaimoA Return is a reply from AutoCAD when you use AutoLISP.What is a Return Value?AutoLISP is a language to communica... 2021.02.28 AutoLISPEnglish
AutoLISP 【AutoLISP FIRST STEP】 What is a Variable? You can give a nickname to a value, and you can use the nickname as the value.This nickname is called a Variable.What is... 2021.02.23 AutoLISPEnglish
AutoLISP 【AutoLISP FIRST STEP】 What is an Argument? Argument is information that a function needs to do its work.What is an Argument ?With AutoLISP, many functions require ... 2021.02.18 AutoLISPEnglish
English 【AutoLISP FIRST STEP】 Function -Magic Spell to ask AutoCAD What to Do With AutoLISP, we use a function to tell the computer what it has to do.Let's study from What is a FUNCTION?Function ?Wh... 2021.02.15 English