AutoLISP is a LANGUAGE to communicate with AutoCAD
If you learn AutoLISP, and you’re able to communicate with AutoCAD, it will do all the tedious CAD work, accurately and faster than anyone.

If you don’t customize your AutoCAD, it’s wasting AutoCAD’s potential!!

However, it is a computer language.
If I don’t have any knowledge of computer programing, AutoLISP is too difficult, isn’t it?
I don’t think so.
In here, I’m not talking about making some difficult, fancy or sophisticated systems.
I guess most people who start AutoLISP are not computer programmers or system engineers.

I’m also just a AutoCAD draft person without any programing knowledge, and I studied AutoLISP.
All I was thinking about was making my CAD work easy. Not to be a computer programmer.
Just like me, many people might start studying AutoLISP to make AutoCAD work efficiently without any programming experience.
It’s just writing down your AutoCAD routine work in AutoLISP language to express what you want the computer to do.
It can be mastered by a Non-Programmer / CAD drafter.
Translate your routine work to AutoLISP.
Let the computer do the work what computer is good at !!

- AutoLISP cannot be used with AutoCAD LT
- Some AutoLISP functions are only for Windows
- In the case that AutoLISP makes your computer freeze, please use empty drawing file to test.

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